Londra Türk Radyosu - London

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London Turkish Radio, was founded in 1990 and began broadcasting LTR hours a day, from 1994 until today has come through a full day of ... See more publication. LTR, in the new era economy, sports, life, culture and art of life, from all areas, Turkish news and high quality music with a choice different from its competitors is aiming to. ------ Shows: Captain Midnight, Asii Ercan Show, Banu Yararer Show, Birgul Balci, Cagatay Öztürk, Dj Filiz Show, DJ Sit, Hatice Kartal Show, Hüseyin Katkin Show, Hüsnü Kisi Show, Kemal Erdemol, Kemal Uzunlar Show, Metin Sak, Mr A Show, Mustafa Güllü, Nevci Hassan Show, Osman Balikcioglu Show, Özlem Bilgin Show, Reyhan Alp Show, Serbest Kürsü, The Women’s Hour, Turkish classical Music, Türkiye Gündemi, Umut Baz Show, Umut Yücebas, Wednesday Bazaar, Yeter

London · England, United Kingdom · Turkish

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