Star 88 - KLYT - FM 88.3 - Albuquerque, NM

Drown Out the Noise

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At Static Radio, they drown out the noise—all the junk the world pushes out at us as acceptable content. The gospel they relay is unchanging; ... See more so they shoot straight to the character of the gospel. It is unchanging, unwavering, and doesn't need to "present itself" as relevant because the fact is: it is. It is so real that sometimes it hurts, convicts, and even offends. The word static means (among other things) "showing little or no change; constant." In technology, static means "unaffected by the passage of time, or the presence or absence of power."

Albuquerque · New Mexico, United States · English

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4001 Osuna Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109

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