Mbhashe FM - FM 103.9 - Willowvale

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FM 103.9 - 112Kbps

Mbhashe FM is community based radio station that broadcast local content 24 hours to the community of Mbhashe Municipality in the Amathole District Municipality. Mbhashe ... See more FM is a community radio station with the vision of being a community radio station broadcasting from South Africa to the world from the rural areas of Mbhashe in the Eastern Cape. Mbhashe FM is all about uplifting the community of Mbhashe Municipality (Dutywa, Gatyana , Xhorha - DGX) through the use of radio.

Willowvale · Eastern Cape, South Africa · English

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+27 81 335 3343

R 409 Main Road, Willowvale, South Africa


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