N14 District FM - Vryburg

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"N14 District FM started in 2022 as the tool of communication hub for disadvantage communities with in the District of Dr RSM. Officially registered in ... See more 2023 as Highway N14 FM - an online community radio station in Vryburg, District of Dr RSM and is operating as N14 District FM. The objectives of the radio station is to cover, promote and provide local content and any other activities happening within our local areas with the goal of providing news, skills,talk shows ,sports entertainment etc and also helping businesses, community organisations, government , departments with our affordable advertising packages and more. We created local content to offer a broad range of carefully selected broadcasting programs that makes us the best among most diverse radio stations in South Africa

Vryburg · South Africa · English

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+27 71 090 0936

CNR, Nelson and Vry Street, Vryburg, South Africa


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