Rádió 1 Sopron - FM 94.1 - Sopron

Sopron elsőszámú helyi rádiója

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30 tune ins FM 94.1 - 128Kbps

Nap Radió is local commercial radio station, 94.1 MHz, the wavelength can be achieved, and call it a day at least 120,000 students in the ... See more region. Has been operating since November 2006. The secret of the effectiveness of a variety of musical assembly, the dynamics of staff with years of experience, the credibility and constant regeneration lies in syndication. The musical follows the current line of modern styles, but at the latest, like songs, you can hear the 80s, 90s and the new millennium, also known hits.

Sopron · Hungary · Hungarian

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+36 99 51-33-52

Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság 1015 Budapest, Ostrom u. 23-25.


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