Peace Out Radio (POR) - Boones Mill, VA

The Best of the 60's - 70s

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Peace Out Radio was born in 1997 out of the need to hear the Classic songs that were the 60's and 70's. Since the terrestrial ... See more stations were not playing them anymore, Peace Out was started on the internet. Back then we were one of the first Classic Rock internet stations around. Since then they are all over the internet. Being a SF Bay Area girl, back in the 60's the music of that era was a part of my life, and still is. I am a disabled Navy Veteran, and the station has been a life saver to me since I started it. Lots of these songs made me feel like I was at home in my various duty stations during my time in the service. Hope you enjoy the station as much as I enjoy bringing it to you.

Boones Mill · Virginia, United States · English

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