Q Tyrone and Fermanagh 101.2 - FM 101.2 - Omagh

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Q101.2 FM is a broadcast radio station in Omagh, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, providing Adult Contemporary Rock and Pop music. ------ Shows: Ministry of Sound, ... See more Easy Sunday, Q Energy, Q Sunday Scoreboard, Q Weekend Breakfast, Saturday Scoreboard, The Late Lounge, Amazing 80's, Movie Magic, Oldies N Irish, Q Breakfast, Q Cafe, Q Drive, Q Hot Mix, Q Weekend Cafe, The Country Collection, Wonder Years ----- Hosts: Barrie Owler, Mike Henry, Robert Walshe, Errol Doherty, Stewart Gordon, Pete Wilson, Susan Mccann, Wes Piggott, Lawrence John John

Omagh · Northern Ireland, United Kingdom · English

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+44 028 6632 0777

1 Belmore St, Enniskillen, BT74 6AA Northern Ireland, United Kingdom


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