Tygerberg 104FM - FM 104.0 - Bellville


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The popularity and dominance of Radio Tygerberg can be attributed to the very high service program and music (Gospel, Adult Contemporary and Golden Oldies), the ... See more spiritual content and the staff's dedication and service to the community. The radio station has made in the field of local music a huge contribution in the Western Cape. The independent broadcasting authority considers the promotion of local music as an important licensing and programming requirements for radio services. ------ Shows: Unshackled!, Adventures in Odyssey, Focus On The Family, Living on the Edge, Searchlight, Enjoying Everyday Life, Grace to You, Life In The Word, Goeie Nuus Uur, Nuus, Radio Tygerberg Musiek, Country Gospel Music, Maranathaland, 15 Minutes from the Bible, Aand boodskap, Aandboodskap, Abafundi, Abazalwana, AGS Suid Skiereiland, Alles & Nog Wat, Anticonformity, Babbel & Bekkie, Beleef God, Bishop Frank Retief, Boekrak, Bybelse Lewensvaardighede, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, Children's Bible Time, Couch Busters, Derrick Prince Ministries, Diamant, Diere en Hul Dinge, Ek En My Kind, Ferm tre Program vir enkel ouers, Fokus op die Woord, Gedagte van die dag, Gemeenskapsforum, Gemeenskapsnuus, Goodwood fokus, Gospelster van die Week, Guppie Klub, Hospitaaltyd, Huweliksfokus, Iingoma Zevangeli, Iintlalo yosapho, Iintyatyambo, Impulse, Interessante Onderhoude, Izaziso Zamabandla, Jou geld maak saak, Kaapse Klanke, Kerk sonder mure, Klouter Kabouters, Laataandoordenking, Lewe in oorvloed, Living Hope Bible Church, Masiye Enkonzweni, Middag Boodskap, Middagboodskap, Motorsport, O Caminho, Oggend Boodskap, Omama Ngolwesine, Open Cell, Salt & Light, Saterdagaand Klanke, Saterdagaand Versoeke, Satuday Mood, Setting the Pace, Siphethe imiba nemicimbi, Sout van die Aarde, Sportmanne vir Christu, Straat werk, Sunset Sounds, Tyger Top Tien, Tygermedies, Tygersport, Umntu Omtsha noKristu, Verbruikersforum, Voor U Troon, Voorlesings uit die Bybel, Vroue van Saron, Vyf van die Bestes, Wat s die reg, Wat SJy?, Werksverskaffingsburo, Woorde wat Werk ----- Hosts: Jon Courson, Anton Brink, Denise Lynch, Benescke Janse Van, Bishop Franktian, Chuck Smith, Brian Brodersen, Garid Beeler, Hennie Lubbe, Ester Kruger, Neels Rabe, Jeanette Kritzinger, Nick Van Der Meulen, Eben Niemann, Lorrein Katzke, Ivan Siegelaar, Suleen Hamman, Lumka Leve

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083 455 4841

Cnr of Fairfield and Williams Roads, Fairfield Estate, 7530 Parow, South Africa


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