Radio Valparaiso - FM 94.5 - Valparaiso

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FM 94.5 - 126Kbps

Valparaíso FM 94.5 FM, located in Valparaíso, is a radio station known for its eclectic programming, which caters to different tastes and interests. Since its ... See more debut on December 25, 1947, the radio station has been a constant presence in listeners' lives, offering a wide range of music and content that accompanies its listeners at all times. With a trajectory that includes passages through different locations and directions, Valparaíso FM stands out for its ability to provide a diverse and engaging musical company over the years.

Valparaiso · São Paulo, Brazil · Portuguese

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+55 18 3401-1130

Rua Tenente Adolfo Padilha, 157, Valparaíso, SP, Brazil

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