I live in the county of Ellijay Georgia and most always listen to WSB a talk station but it was getting too depressing so one night I started looking for other stations and ran across Sunny92.3. u were of Christmas music that I had never heard before and it was so refreshing. Chattanooga and Atlanta are about the same distance from me and it is very hard to pull in any stations. So today I streamed your station for a while and then it stopped. I guess I have to sign up as a member so I will look this page over after I take a little nap. I was up all New Year's night and have not gone to sleep yet. Charlee is a Maltese Poodle mix the same as HarleyD..Was before he passed away of cancer September 4th 2014. I had him from a puppy for 14.5 years and I miss him terribly. They both are white with a very light champagne colored ears. Charlee will never replace Harley but I will learn to love him the same. Charlee weighs in at 1.5lbs.
Another thing that I enjoy about your programming is that you have JohnTesh and I had wondered where he and went. He has a great voice for radio and I love to listen to his little snippets about every subject you can think of. Thank you for being such a wonderful station to listen to. I'm going to go on Amazon today to see what type of FM antenna I can get as my house sits in a hollow.
Jan. 1, 2015, 6:16 p.m. GMT