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About Us Christian Ministries Incorporated, is an independent non-profit organization that owns and operates a non-commercial Christian Radio Network called “The Light” in the state ... See more of Vermont and surrounding communities in New York, New Hampshire and Canada. Where is C.M.I.? C.M.I. Radio headquarters is located at 140 Main Street, Essex Junction, Vermont 05452 Who listens? “The Light” Radio Network has an approximate listening audience of 12,000 in Chittenden County and 22,000 listeners throughout the State of Vermont and surrounding New York, New Hampshire and Canadian communities. “The Light’s” potential listening audience is over 500,000. Why they listen? “The Light” Radio Network offers some of the best Christian programming available. During the week, we have a live morning show from 6:00 to 9 a.m. that is designed to bless our listeners with some of the best contemporary Christian music available, receive some excellent, inspiring features and stay connected with events going on in our communities. The remainder of the day is interspersed with many popular Christian teaching programs and additional music segments. Programs include Focus on the Family, Insight for Living, Turning Point, Odyssey (great kids’ programming at 7:00 p.m. weeknights) and much more. Why sponsor Christian Radio? Our listeners really appreciate the quality Christian teaching and music that “The Light” Radio Network offers. Many do not listen to other stations, and all are very appreciative and loyal to the sponsors who help support our radio network through underwriting. In return for your investment, you can expect to receive a very positive image on the air and gain a special place in the hearts and minds of our listeners. Over time, this will translate into definitive financial returns for your business. ------ Shows: Insight for Living, Paws & Tales, Adventures in Odyssey, Family News in Focus, Focus On The Family, Money Life, Soul 2 Soul, The Heart of Worship, Xtreme Talk, 66/40 with Chuck Missler, Back to the Bible, Let My People Think, Truth for Life, Truth for Life Weekend, Turning Point, Christian Music Rewind, Family Life Today, Enjoying Everyday Life, The Hour of Decision, The Lutheran Hour, Grace to You, Renewing Your Mind, Conference Echoes, Down Gilead Lane, God's Great Outdoors, Homecoming Radio, Joni and Friends, Moody Midday Connection, Prime Time America, Science, Scripture, and Salvation, Sound of Majesty, We Kids, Discover The Word, Moody Presents, Just Thinking, Woman To Woman, Family Life This Week, The Way of the Master, Key Life, Celebration of Praise, In the Studio, MBN Music, MBN Soundfile, Music for Sunday, Music Thru The Night, Front Page Jerusalem, Wonderful Words of Life, Sharing the Victory, The Worship Spotlight, Lion's Den University Report, Word & Worship Weekly, Front Porch Fellowship, Light Lunch Hour Music, Good Morning Radio Show, Music and Information, Music From The Light, Studio G, Waters Edge ----- Hosts: Mike Becht, Chuck Missler, Nancy Missler, Greg Wheatley, Mary Rice-hopkins, Mr. Nick, Kirk Cameron, Ray Comfort, Tod Friel, Roy Patterson, Redbeard Kaufman, Roger Basick, Mike Kellogg, Anita Lustrea, Chris Fabry, Nancy Kane, Nancy Turner, Earl Cox, David Parsons, Ben Kinchlow, Jay Mills, Gary Cramer, Dave Trout, Rev. Glen Bayly, Jj Heller, Herb Glynn

Claremont · New Hampshire, United States · English

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140 Main StreetEssex Junction, Vermont 05452

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