WBFO 88.7 - WUBJ - FM 88.1 - Jamestown, NY

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WBFO is the University at Buffalo's window onto our community and the world, striving to create a public radio community of good neighbors. Because WBFO's ... See more unique blend of NPR and local news and authentic Buffalo music treats everyone like citizens and not like consumers, you can trust that when you tune in you'll find unbiased, balanced news coverage, investigative journalism, thought-provoking entertainment that doesn't pander, and noncommercial music you need to know about. We're trying to make the world a better place, a more innovative place, and a more global place every day through this community supported programming. Tune in and you'll know what we mean. ------ Shows: All Things Considered, Car Talk (NPR), Living on Earth, NPR's Morning Edition, On the Media, Piano Jazz, Talk of the Nation, Talk of the Nation Science Friday, The Thistle & Shamrock, This American Life, Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, Weekend All Things Considered, Weekend Edition Saturday, Weekend Edition Sunday, Jazz Profiles, Marketplace Morning Report, Fresh Air Weekend, Jazz Set, Only a Game, Bebop and Beyond, Blues (WBFO), Buffalo Avenues, Jazz (WBFO), Jazz Favorites Hour, Nighttime On the Border, Wednesday Night Concerts ----- Hosts: Michele Norris, Robert Siegel, Melissa Block, Tom Magliozzi, Ray Magliozzi, Steve Curwood, Bobby Bascomb, Eileen Bolinsky, Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, Dorothy Hickson, Carlos Rosado, Richard Knox, Neal Conan, Ira Flatow, Annette Heist, Charles Bergquist, Ira Glass, Jessica Hopper, Alex Blumberg, Peter Sagal Sagal, Carl Kasell Kasell, Guy Raz, Scott Simon, Audie Cornish, Robin Guthrie, Brendan Perry, Marcelo D2, Steve Chiotakis, Jeremy Hobson, Terry Gross, Bill Littlefield, Charlie Pierce, Anita West, Jim Santella, Debbie Sims

Jamestown · New York, United States · English

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(716) 829-6000

3435 Main St, 205 Allen Hall, Buffalo NY 14214


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