WHRI Angel 6 - Cypress Creek, SC


Unfortunately, WHRI Angel 6 is no longer broadcasting.

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Shortwave radio is one of the most powerful tools the Body of Christ has to proclaim the Gospel Message to the almost 7 billion people ... See more in the world. Shortwave radio can cross borders closed to missionaries and reach into the homes of people who desire a broader source of information that they cannot receive in any other format. This essential form of ministry brings teaching, inspiration, music and discipleship to people in desperate need. ------ Shows: Call to Worship, Dr. Sumrall Missions, Eternal Good News, Finding Hope, IRN News, Lesea Productions Music, Lester Sumrall Teachings, Live from Studio B, Midnight Cry, Prayerline Presents, Pulse FM, Truth Light and Life, Voice of Praise, WHRI Music, Prophecy For Today, 20 The Countdown Magazine, Two Nice Jewish Boys, Radio Liberty, Politics & Religion, As The Bible Speaks, Bringing A Message, DXing with Cumbre, Faith Speaks Radio, Harvest Show, Seeking the Lost International, The Daily Dose, TruNews, Shepherd's Chapel, Truth for The World, Helping YOU Become, Hmong Lao Radio, Hmong World Christian Radio, Planet X in Bible Prophecy, The Prophetic Watch, The Zeph Report, Victory Baptist Church, Warning ----- Hosts: Bernie Timmerman, Bob Tref, George Bryan, Jeff Goss, Larry Bates, Chuck Bates, Chuck Crismier, Lester Sumrall, Dennis Jones, Martin Anderson, Laura Blackley, Corey Mann, Bill Scott, Kimberly Ann, Daniel Rodes, Kenneth Ivey, Pastor Perry F. Rockwood, Jon Rivers, Jonathan Cahn, Dr. Stan Monteith, Mark Biltz, Ken Smith, Marie Lamb, Stefan Radelich, Kelly Morgan, Chuck Freeby, Robert Shelton, Rick Wiles, Phillip Vanwinkle, Kendal Rasnake, David Robinson, Jonathan Hansen

Cypress Creek · South Carolina, United States · English

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