90.5 WKAR - WKAR Radio Reading Service - East Lansing, MI

Public Broadcasting from East Lansing

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WKAR Radio Reading Service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week serving persons who have difficulty reading conventional printed material. WKAR’s Radio Reading ... See more Service service provides these people access to news and information they can use to live better independently. ------ Shows: Living on Earth, People's Pharmacy, Selected Shorts, 51 Percent, Best of Our Knowledge, Newsweek on Air, New Dimensions, Marketplace Money, New Letters, Health Show, Media Project, Prime Time Radio, Radio Reader ----- Hosts: Steve Curwood, Bobby Bascomb, Eileen Bolinsky, Terry Graedon, Joe Graedon, Isaiah Sheffer, Susan Barnett, Jeanne Kammer Neff, Jim Fleming, Steve Paulson, Anne Strainchamps, Tess Vigeland, Dr. Nina Sax, Bob Barret, Rex Smith, Rosemary Armao, Elisa Streeter, Dick Estell

East Lansing · Michigan, United States · English

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283 Communication Arts & Sciences Bldg, MSU, East Lansing, MI 48824


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