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FM 95.9
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We believe in God in three Persons, man as a fallen race because of Adam, salvation by grace through faith alone in the atoning blood
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and power of Christ's resurrection. We believe in His ascension and intercessory work at the Father's right hand. We believe the Bible is God's inspired Word without error in the original manuscripts.
We believe the Body of Christ will be raptured and/or resurrected prior to the seven years of tribulation and that we will be with Him when He returns to finalize the tribulation with the Battle of Armaggeddon. Then, He will set up His Kingdom on Earth which will be delivered from the curse and once again be like the Garden of Eden. We will reign with Him for 1000 years and then, after the rebellion led by a released Satan, we have the new heaven and new earth for eternity.
Songs playing in TOTAL Country BOB-FM - WLKX-FM