WMUC - WMUC-FM - FM 90.5 - College Park, MD


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Did y’all know? You Better know. We’re WMUC Radio yall. We are one of the few remaining independent, student-run college radio stations. We post ALBUM ... See more BUM REVIEWS, general interest blog items and the occasional mp3 if it is semi obscure/ semi exclusive. We do not put up pages of useless links you can find elsewhere for search engine optimization. We do not circulate relevant sub memes about buzz bands. We do not filter the opinions of our writers at all, hence, missing commas may abound. We are not here to hype anything. WMUC Radio 88.1 FM blog: we’re bringing music criticism back y’all. Connie Chung, Aaron McGruder, Chris from Fan Death, Nate from Last Tide, Patrick from Ra Ra Rasputin: they all graduated here. We’re in it for the love of the game. We’re WMUC Radio yall. ------ Shows: Hang the DJ, McLaughlin Radio Hour, Equilibrium, Green Eggs and Ham, Radio Show, Back to the Basics, A Delightful Afternoon with Noreen and Arshan, Aisling McDonough,Patrick Mclaughlin, American Music, Andrew O, Andy Porter, Anna Schoenfelder, Bangin' Hip-Hop Lunch Out Friday Extravaganza, Black Coffee, Camel Toads, Christian Meledez, Connect The Dots Motherfucker, Dave's Record Collection, Dollar Store Grab Bag, Dominick Lewis, Don't Be a Menace, Flex Yr Head, Fusion Confusion, FUSION CONFUSION goes PRIMETIME, Greasing with a Lumberjack, Identity Crisis, If you gotta pair of headphones, you better get'em on and get'em, Indiescribable, Innovation In Instrumentation, JAM DOT BIZ radio, Jeff Celebre, Ld101, Lesley Julien, Masks, Gats and Rugrats, Memory Machine, News Rush, Nick S. and Marcello F., Noel Isama, Ora Fruchter, Patrick Bush, Paul Matthews, Pizza Party!, Radio Show Ate My Morning, Royal Jelly, Sabrina C. Smith, Sara Glickman, Secondhand Coolness, Something Eclectic, Something Else, Stands for Decibels, Suburban Speed, System Up With The Top Down., Teen Age Riot!, Telepathic Radio, The Adding Machine, The Alternative Breakfast (Dance) Party from Hell, The Apple Juice Break, The Better Git It In Your Soul Radio Program, The Gnarfest, The Interdimensional B.R.A.I.N.b.l.a.s.t., The League, The Lonestar State, The New Bin, The ReCollection, The Russell Wood's Buddha Riding a Toad Variety Hour, The Sound of Young America!, The Super Fill-in Is.., The Two-Headed Monster, The Underwater Jambox, The Wake-Up Bomb!, The Wanton Machine, Third Rail Radio, Thug Motivation 101, Too Hard for Tears, Too Hott to Handle, Transience, TRS Radio, Unnamed Show 86, We Eat Cars, Wimps and posers, LEAVE THE HALL! ----- Hosts: John Mclaughlin, Dave Hogan, Dave Graveline, Mike Gallagher, Andy Porter, Anna Schoenfelder, Ellen Roche, Monika Tomczak, Christian Melendez, Diego Iniguez-lopez, James Briscoe, Diaz Brothers, Adam Levin, Ja Levitt, Max Nova, Ricardo Pizarro, Jstone +tayne= <3, Jason Heat, Mihael Levine, E Money, Nick Tha 1da, Dan Doggett, Charles Fabbri, Nick S, Marcello F., Paul Matthews, Ian Fishman, Kiri Lee, Mat Lewis, Maya Livio, Julia Novakowski, Dj Eyecue, The Harvman, Ben Meyerson, Evan Reinhard, Chris Berry, Doug Ticker, Adam Z Winer, Danielle Leikach, Emilia Costa, He Wang, Andrew Graber, Andy Bowen, Tommy Storck, Phil Anderson, Becca Newell

College Park · Maryland, United States · English

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3130 South Campus Dining Hall College Park, MD 20740


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