88.1 The Park - WSDP - FM 88.1 - Plymouth, MI

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WSDP is the student-operated radio station owned by the Plymouth-Canton Educational Park in Canton, Michigan. WSDP positions itself as 88.1 FM the Escape. WSDP is ... See more operated out of Salem High School and has been in operation since February 14, 1972. The sta ------ Shows: Acoustic Cafe, Somewhere In Time, Sports Weekly, Clubhouse, Community Focus, Dirt Roads, Kim's Backstage Pass, NewsFile, Stormy Monday, The Technicolour Radio Clubhouse, The Vault, WSDP Community ----- Hosts: Rob Reinhart, Art Bell, Richard Mcbrearty, Sybil Gage

Plymouth · Michigan, United States · English

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(734) 416-7732

E.J. McClendon Educational Center, 454 South Harvey, Plymouth, MI 48170USA


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