Die Neue Welle - FM 101.8 - Karlsruhe

Der sympathische Lokalsender für die Regionen

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30 tune ins FM 101.8 - 128Kbps

Die Neue Welle is the likeable local station for the agglomerations Karlsruhe, Pforzheim and Baden-Baden, offering the largest regional competence. Die Neue Welle more music ... See more and more variety from 4 decades, which is supported by regular market studies and listener surveys. Entertainment with competent and likeable presenters from the world of the listener, lots of music and local information are available in the program format in the foreground, which appeals to a core target group between 30 and 49 years.

Karlsruhe · Baden-Württemberg, Germany · German

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+49 721 2016300

Philipp-Reis-Straße 3 76137 Karlsruhe, Germany


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