KRPS - KRPS - FM 89.9 - Pittsburg, KS

Your World, In Concert

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KRPS Public Radio - KRPS is a broadcast radio station in Pittsburg, Kansas, United States, providing Public Broadcasting News and Talk, and Classic and Jazz ... See more music as a service of Pittsburg State University. ------ Shows: A Prairie Home Companion, All Things Considered, Car Talk (NPR), Fresh Air (NPR), Jazz with Bob Parlocha, NPR's Morning Edition, Piano Jazz, Riverwalk Jazz, The Thistle & Shamrock, Weekend Edition Saturday, Whad'ya Know, Calling All Pets, Zorba Paster On Your Health, BBC Newshour, Performance Today, Putumayo World Music Hour, World Cafe, American Routes, Chef's Table, Crimson & Gold Connection, Folk Sampler, NPR News, Pipedreams, Rhythm Sweet and Hot, StarDate, The Bluescast, You Bet Your Garden ----- Hosts: Michele Norris, Robert Siegel, Melissa Block, Tom Magliozzi, Ray Magliozzi, Bob Parlocha, Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, Not Found, David Holt, Jim Cullum, Scott Simon, Michael Feldman, Zorba Paster, Tom Clark, Dennis Coffey, Lloyd Cole, Steve Miller, Nick Spitzer, Maureen Loughran, Kaori Maeyama, Chef Coleman, General Manager: Missi Kelly, Senior Administrative Assistant: Bryna Broyles, Program Director: Tim Metcalf, Mike Flynn, Stephen Farr, David Goode, Fats Waller, Damond Benningfield, Ken Croswell, Sandy Wood, Mike Mcgrath Mcgrath

Pittsburg · Kansas, United States · English

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1701 S Broadway St, Pittsburg, KS 66762

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