Iowa Public Radio - IPR Classical - K249EJ - FM 97.7 - Iowa City, IA

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K249EJ is a rebroadcaster radio station in Iowa City, Iowa, United States, transmitting IPR Classical - KSUI, a broadcast radio station in Iowa City, Iowa, ... See more providing Public Broadcasting Classical music as part of the Iowa Public Radio network. IPR Classical produces and airs cultural and historical classical shows, current classical artists and live events with a focus on Iowa's classical music scene. ------ Shows: A Prairie Home Companion, Hearts of Space, From the Top, The Writer's Almanac, Pipe Dreams, American Routes, Millennium of Music, Beethoven Satellite Network, Saint Paul Sunday, Chicago Symphony, Exploring Music, Lyric Opera of Chicago, By Request, Classical Music, Classical Music, Classical Music, Classical Music, By Request (IPR), Choral Tradition, Stage and Screen, Classical Music (IPR), Folk Music with Karen Impola, Jazz (IPR), University Concert ----- Hosts: Christopher O'riley, Ji Yong Kim, Des Moines, Garrison Keillor, Betsy Allister, Holly Vanderhaar, Michael Barone, Nick Spitzer, Maureen Loughran, Kaori Maeyama, Peter Van De Graaff, Bill Mcglaughlin, Jacqueline Halbloom, Karen Impola, Bob Dorr, Finley Woolston, Hollis Monroe

Iowa City · Iowa, United States · English

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2111 Grand Avenue, Suite 100, Des Moines, IA 50312

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