KSVY - FM 91.3 - Sonoma, CA


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Sun FM 91.3 Sonoma is a public, non profit bilingual community radio at its best—completely adopted by the community. With over 60 volunteer hosts from ... See more the Sonoma area, each with varying interests and life views, Sun FM’s programming is free of the constraints of commercial interest. Sun FM is unique in its ability to convey not only locally, but regionally, nationally, even globally, what is distinctive about Sonoma, its people, places and events. The World is Listening… Locally, listeners are tuning in Sun FM’s unique programming at home, in the car, at work. Beyond Sonoma’s borders, listeners are tuning in via the internet —streaming Sun FM programs over their computers or downloading programming into their iPods. Time and place offer no constraints. Sonoma… What are listeners tuning in for? What can they find on Sun FM that they can’t find anywhere else? Exactly what visitors to the Valley of the Moon have known for decades: Sonoma. We are unique in our geography, our cultures, our foods, our views, and our people. We know there is no place like Sonoma, as do the multitude of visitors to our area every year. Sun FM offers what no one else has; distinctive community programming with Sonoma flair. Sun FM stands alone in its ability to bring what is best about Sonoma to its community and the world. ------ Shows: Alan’s Place, Arts & Trash, Busking, Community Conversations, ContraPunto, Coyote Road, Dance Diva, Dedications, For the Love of Produce, Girlz Nite Out, Guys @ 5, Guys @ 5 Friday, Guys @ 5 Thursday, Guys @ 5 Tuesday, Guys @ 5 Wednesday, Health Matters, Heard it in the Grapevine, Jeff's Joynt, La Corneta, Mananas En Espanol, Mornings in Sonoma, Mr. P's Rock & Roll Riot, Pet Talk, Radio Wine Club, Realty Talk, Sonic Discovery, Sonoma Sunrise, Sports Zone, Super Sonicos, Taxpertise, The ‘Scene’, The Late Great Show, The Relationship Show, Triple T Left Coast, Wednesday Night Classics, Wine Biz 2.4 ----- Hosts: Alan Young, Dave Robbins, Amalia Leon De Garcia, Beth Hadley, Jeff Gilbert, El Guapo, Ken Brown, Mr. P, Wally Breitman, ᄉngel Rivera, Bonnie Lee

Sonoma · California, United States · English

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164 W. Napa StreetSonoma, CA 94576


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