Reno Public Radio - KUNR - FM 88.7 - Reno, NV

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Reno Public Radio - KUNR 88.7 is a broadcast Radio station from Reno, Nevada, United States. As your longtime, local public radio station, KUNR's growing ... See more regional news coverage also reflects thoughtful, balanced reporting. They're in tune with the interests and issues of the Northern Nevada/Northeastern California area. KUNR's news team, broadcasters and commentators are local people, committed to enhancing the quality of everyday life in their communities. ------ Shows: A Prairie Home Companion, All Things Considered, Car Talk (NPR), Fresh Air (NPR), Jazz with Bob Parlocha, Marketplace, NPR's Morning Edition, Talk of the Nation, Talk of the Nation Science Friday, The Thistle & Shamrock, This American Life, Weekend All Things Considered, Weekend Edition Saturday, Weekend Edition Sunday, From Our Own Correspondent (R4 Edition), Global Business, One Planet, The Strand, BBC Business Daily, BBC World Business News, BBC World News, Heart and Soul, Politics UK, The Interview, The World Today, World Briefing, World Update, From the Top, Jazz Profiles, The Writer's Almanac, Splendid Table, American Routes, Metropolitan Opera, Sunday Baroque, Saint Paul Sunday, Afropop Worldwide, Jazz Set, High Country News, Reggae Fi' Real ----- Hosts: Michele Norris, Robert Siegel, Melissa Block, Tom Magliozzi, Ray Magliozzi, Bob Parlocha, Kai Ryssdal, Steve Chiotakis, Jeremy Hobson, Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, Neal Conan, Ira Flatow, Annette Heist, Charles Bergquist, Ira Glass, Jessica Hopper, Alex Blumberg, Guy Raz, Scott Simon, Audie Cornish, Dan Damon, Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, Jamie C Here, Christopher O'riley, Ji Yong Kim, Des Moines, Robin Guthrie, Brendan Perry, Marcelo D2, Garrison Keillor, Betsy Allister, Holly Vanderhaar, Lynne Rossetto Kasper, Sally Swift, Nick Spitzer, Maureen Loughran, Kaori Maeyama, Bill Mcglaughlin, Lars Gotrich, Amy Walters

Reno · Nevada, United States · English

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