RTÉ Lyric fm - FM 99.6 - Limerick

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30 tune ins FM 99.6 - 160Kbps

------ Shows: Gloria, Horizons, Lunchtime Choice, Artszone, Blue of the Night, Calling the Tune, Full Score, Green Room Cinema, Into the Evening, Invisible Thread, Jazz ... See more z Alley, Legacy, Lyric Breakfast, Lyric Concert, Lyric New Age, Lyric Notes, Lyric Pitch, Lyric Suite, Lyric Top 20, Morning Call, Reels to Ragas, Sound fx, Sunday Airs, The Opera, Third Wave, Weekend Feature, World Requests ----- Hosts: Cynthia Morahan, Rachel Blech, Niall Carroll, Gay Byrne, Eamonn Lenihan, Jack Dejohnette, Dennis Rollins

Limerick · Ireland · English

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