RádioCom Pelotas - FM 104.5 - Pelotas

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The Radiocom was built and is developed from the experiences of each of their "co-architects." are trade unionists, workers, artists, people who are dedicated to ... See more the cause of the struggle for the right of everyone to express themselves. Are individuals who together constitute a space that Downing calls alternative public sphere or public counter-sphere, ie, is a forum that "the movement offers the opportunity to talk to their internal divisions, and thus enrich and strengthen - is a concept that directs their attention to the role of radical media to stimulate debate. "

Pelotas · Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil · Portuguese

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(53) 3222-1571

Felix Cunha Street, 614 - Antunes Maciel Gallery, Room 203 - Centre Pelotas RS 96,015,700


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