Radio Sraka - FM 94.6 - Novo Mesto


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30 tune ins FM 94.6 - 112Kbps

We are a regional commercial radio station - Radio Magpie. Frequency 94.6 MHz , the transmitter on top Trdinov studio in the bush in Novo ... See more Mesto, Valantičevo 17, last house in the street. Audibility - Dolenjska, Pinot, Bela krajina Ljubljana, Gorenjska, a large part of the Inner and Styria, the part of Croatia and Bosnia . The informative part of the program is dominated by the daily news and all sorts of information related to life on our audible range and variety of phone-ins - from information and counseling to small talk with the audience. Music schedule is almost entirely slovenian - folk music and folk and popular songs. Music programs for young, forever green tunes, Balkan music, rock, jazz, country, music of Africa and Central and South America - such as the variegation of a schedule of Radio Magpie in the evening during the week. Music scheme is very different from music that is heard in other Slovenian radio stations and especially from other radio stations audible in our area and is intended for slightly more specific, while a fairly wide audience. Our listeners are mostly older than 35 years and include artisans, entrepreneurs, farmers, workers, largely retirees, as well as juveniles. The median audience make up 7% of executives as saying that the domestic poems and songs soothe. With such musical scheme is fundamentally different from other radio stations audible in our area. Many audience is achieved in the morning program, which we will try in future to further improve the satisfaction of the morning and afternoon and also in the evening / night time, and we have Saturday nights (at median), the largest audience in the region of all (broadcast Saturday Srakina super s Party). The latest national survey of listeners, we were in 2009 at the 8th place among all radio stations in Slovenia and with 50,000 listeners, and with it the most listened radio station Dolenjska! Drago Vovk Editor in Chief

Novo Mesto · Slovenia · Slovenian

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