WBAA - AM 920 - West Lafayette, IN


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WBAA-AM, Indiana's longest continuously operating radio station, received its broadcast license in 1922. WBAA-FM began broadcasting in 1993. The two stations provide Purdue University students ... See more with opportunities for hands-on training in radio broadcasting, including credit internships for students majoring in communication and noncredit experience for volunteer announcers, producers, and writers. WBAA-AM and FM provide alternative public radio programming to thousands of mid-central Indiana and east-central Illinois listeners. ------ Shows: A Prairie Home Companion, All Things Considered, Car Talk (NPR), Fresh Air (NPR), Latino USA, Living on Earth, Marketplace, NPR's Morning Edition, The Diane Rehm Show, This American Life, Weekend All Things Considered, Weekend Edition Saturday, Weekend Edition Sunday, Whad'ya Know, To the Best of our Knowledge, Zorba Paster On Your Health, BBC Newshour, The World, World Cafe, Marketplace Money, The Story, Folk Sampler, Tech Nation, Jazz with Bob Studebaker, Jazz with Jeff Fox, Jazz with Ken Campbell, Jazz with Scott Hanley, Jazz with Tony Mowod ----- Hosts: Michele Norris, Robert Siegel, Melissa Block, Tom Magliozzi, Ray Magliozzi, Steve Curwood, Bobby Bascomb, Eileen Bolinsky, Kai Ryssdal, Steve Chiotakis, Jeremy Hobson, Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, Diane Rehm, Ira Glass, Jessica Hopper, Alex Blumberg, Guy Raz, Scott Simon, Audie Cornish, Michael Feldman, Jim Fleming, Steve Paulson, Anne Strainchamps, Zorba Paster, Tom Clark, Lisa Mullins, Marco Werman, Dennis Coffey, Lloyd Cole, Steve Miller, Tess Vigeland, Dick Gordon, Katie Davis, Carol Jackson, Mike Flynn, Moira Gunn, David Ewing Duncan, Bob Studebaker, Jeff Fox, Tony Mowod, Jay Cutris

West Lafayette · Indiana, United States · English

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712 Third StreetPurdue UniversityWest Lafayette IN 47907-2005

wbaa@wbaa.org ORnews@wbaa.org

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