WNYO 88.9 FM - WNYO - FM 88.9 - Oswego, NY

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88.9FM WNYO is a student run and operated radio station located at the State University of New York at Oswego. We broadcast throughout the town ... See more of Oswego during the entire year. WNYO aims to provide our listeners with new music that you won't hear on any commercial station. We are here to provide an eclectic variety of programming to better entertain and inform the community! New technology has now brought us into the future! We broadcast over the internet now so you can listen anywhere via webcast! We also have a new WebCam so you can now see who you're listening to!

Oswego · New York, United States · English

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WNYO 88.9FM131 Campus CenterSUNY OswegoOswego, NY 13126


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