Quincy Public Radio - WQUB - FM 90.3 - Quincy, IL


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where we have been 1948 WQUB 90.3 FM began as a radio station called WWQC-FM. 1979 The station began broadcasting "over the air" with 10 ... See more air" with 10 watts of power. For the first time, the station's programming could be heard outside Francis Hall - but not too far from the building. 1983 The power was increased enough to cover the college grounds and surrounding neighborhoods. The resulting feedback from students, faculty and community was positive and encouraged the school to make a commitment to providing the Quincy-Hannibal and tri-state area with quality public radio programming. 1988 The station began its association with National Public Radio. Thanks to the help from the Marion Gardner Jackson Charitable Trust, Harris Corporation and Broadcast Electronics as well as volunteers like Ted Wahlman and Wally Kabrick, the station facility was improved and the power rose to 10,000 watts. During this time the call letters were changed to WQUB-FM, reflecting the school's name change from Quincy College to Quincy University. 2008 In August 2008, The station began offering podcasts on the website. Podcasts are a download version of broadcast shows available whenever the listener wishes to listen. 2009 Online streaming became available for internet consumption in January 2009. Listeners can tune in real time from their computers anywhere in the world to hear WQUB 90.3 FM Today WQUB 90.3 proudly provides broadcasts at 28,000 watts and primary coverage to nine counties in the Western Illinois and northeastern Missouri region. The format includes classical music, alternative rock, jazz, national, local news and information of local interest. where we are going HD Radio WQUB is also the only Quincy/Hannibal station to broadcast in HD radio. What is HD Radio? It's the most significant advancement in radio broadcasting since the introduction of FM stereo more than 50 years ago. HD Radio technology enables AM and FM radio stations to broadcast their programs digitally a tremendous technological leap from the analog broadcast of the past. HD Radio offers the same unmatched fidelity for the listener as digital music giving FM stations CD quality sound and crystal clear receptions, eliminating any audio distortion. This means no more static, pops, crackles or fades. Digital technology also allows the transmission of additional information such as song titles, artist and station call letters. HD Radio is not a subscription service, like satellite radio. It is the same free, over-the-air broadcast radio that we've always known. Only better. WQUB 90.3FM is proud to be the only local broadcaster of HD Radio. Broadcasting three channels, 90.3 - 1, your local "Radio with a Difference", 90.3 - 2, Jazzworks, 24 hours of Jazz programming and 90.3-3 is World Radio News ( WRN). ------ Shows: A Prairie Home Companion, All Things Considered, Beale Street Caravan, Car Talk (NPR), Fresh Air (NPR), Midnight Special, NPR's Morning Edition, Swingin' Down the Lane, The Thistle & Shamrock, Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me, Weekend All Things Considered, Weekend Edition Saturday, Weekend Edition Sunday, Radio Australia News, Radio Prague, Radio Sweden, Fascinatin' Rhythm, Performance Today, Classical Guitar Alive, Marketplace Money, Splendid Table, Pipe Dreams, Metropolitan Opera, You Bet Your Garden, Travel with Rick Steves, Etown, WoodSongs Old-time Radio Hour, Copenhagen Calling, Guangdong Today, Israel Radio, KBS World Radio, Korea, Pick of the Commonwealth podcast, Radio Australia, Radio Romania International, The Link, UN and Africa, Voice of Russia, Women, World of Radio, Sing for Joy, Romantic Hours, Compact Discoveries, River City Folk, Sucarnochee Revue ----- Hosts: Michele Norris, Robert Siegel, Melissa Block, Ruthie Foster, Betty Harris, Bill Frisell, Tom Magliozzi, Ray Magliozzi, Renee Montagne, Steve Inskeep, David Miller, Peter Sagal Sagal, Carl Kasell Kasell, Guy Raz, Scott Simon, Audie Cornish, Michael Lasser, Diana Kurty, Norm Silverstein, Tess Vigeland, Lynne Rossetto Kasper, Sally Swift, Michael Barone, Mike Mcgrath Mcgrath, Rick Steves, Nick Forster, Helen Forster, Dorothy Edwards, Joe Conkwright, Roger Duvall, Adam Isherwood, Ulla Plon, Julian Isherwood, Ban Ki Moon, Glenn Hauser, Tom May, Sucarnochee Revue

Quincy · Illinois, United States · English

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1800 College AvenueQuincy IL 62301


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