WREK Atlanta - WREK - FM 91.1 - Atlanta, GA

quality, diverse programming

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WREK is the entirely student managed, operated and engineered radio station at Georgia Tech. We broadcast 24/7 on 91.1 FM with 40,000 Watts of quality, ... See more diverse programming. You can listen online and browse through our 14-day archive of specialty shows, sound blocks, sports, and public affairs programming. ------ Shows: 51 Percent, Voices of Our World, Making Contact, This Way Out, Radio Nation, Alternative Radio, Between the Lines ----- Hosts: Susan Barnett, Jeanne Kammer Neff, Karen Cooper, Ellen Bott, Greg Gordon, Lucia Chappelle, Jd Doyle

Atlanta · Georgia, United States · English

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(404) 894-2468

Georgia Tech Student Radio350 Ferst Drive NW, Suite 2224Atlanta, GA 30332-0630USA


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