Newsradio 1240 - WTAX is a broadcast radio station in Springfield, Illinois, United States, providing News and Talk shows. ------ Shows: Coast to Coast AM,
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The Clark Howard Show, The Handyman Show, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Sean Hannity Show, Best of Dean Edell, Coast to Coast AM, The Glenn Beck Program, The Jim Bohannon Show, The Tech Guy, Handel On The Law, Live on Sunday Night, America in the Morning, The Car Doctor, Best Of Dave Ramsey, The Garden Hotline, The Best of Laura Ingraham Show, Focus on the Family Weekend, Best of Sean Hannity, Best of Jerry Doyle, The Christians' Hour, Eye on Illinois, Health Call, Ask The Mechanic, Focus, LincolnL and Journal, The Money Concepts, The WTAX Morning Newswatch
Hosts: Clark Howard, Leo Laporte, Jim Bohannon, Ron Ananian, Dave Ramsey, Katiel Fitch, Kellyann Moran, Mike Miller, Jerry Doyle, Rick Atchley, Bob Russel, Barry Mccarty, Glenn Beck, George Noory, Bob Murray, Dr. Sean Mccaffrey, Michelle Eccles, Mike Topoll, Gina Cervetti