Spirit 1340 - WYCB - AM 1340 - Washington, DC

The Spirit of Today's Gospel

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WYCB 1340 - DC's Home For The Spirit. Tune in to Greater Bethlehem, Angel Carpenter, or shows such as Church of Jesus Christ, and many ... See more more. ------ Shows: Church of the Rapture, First Baptist Church, Greater Bethlehem, Church of Jesus Christ, Berean Bible Church, Angel Carpenter, Angels Of Faith, Dunyasha Frazier, Glory In The Morning, Metropolitian Baptist Church, New Horizon Church, Shiloh Baptist Church, Star Of Bethlehem, The Daily Bread ----- Hosts: Johnny Psalmz, Lee Michaels, Brad Rogers, Karen Jackson, Bob Hill, Samuel Tatum, Dunyasha Frazier, Wiston Chaney, Dr. Charlene Monk, Kenny Rob, Marcus D Wiley, Bishop Harvey L. Lewis, Bishop Samuel Kelsey

Washington · DC, United States · English

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